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  1. It's been a while since I've written one of these blogs as I've been very busy and whilst it's been on my list of to dos for quite a while, I've only just found the time to sit down and write. 

    I've just completed a shop update, putting on some of the work I've been doing on You Tube: The donkey and Mouse on Pinecones. But also some not on You Tube: Make a Wish, Raven in Moonlight, Owl's moonlit flight, Rooks in moonlight and Seals and Sea.

    The season with the Pembrokeshire Craft Group has just finished (They run from end of March until the beginning of November), so I'm due to collect all my work this week. Unfortunately I wasn't able to commit this year to some of the Winter shows due to family commitments, as I couldn't guarentee being available for them but I'm really hoping to take part in some of the winter and Christmas fayres next year. I'm also going to be looking for other venues to sell my work through, as well as The Pembrokeshire Craft Group, as I'm ready to establish myself more as a full time working artist this coming year.

    I've been really busy with You Tube and have managed to get videos up most weeks, and have got some news coming in the next few weeks, so if you watch my videos, then look out for it.

    I'm moving onto painting more Christmas pictures for You Tube and will hopefully have some suitable for cards or prints next Christmas. I always love doing Christmas pictures and usually experiment painting some Christmas toys or decorations.

    Then it's onto more wintery pictures, although I can't say I'm looking forward to January/February as I find the short, dark days, hard going and will be looking forward to the Spring.

  2. Hi, I've been so busy this month. What with producing videos for You Tube, stewarding at the Pembrokeshire Craft Makers Galleries, doing website and shop updates and the general day to day activities as an artist. Along side life getting in the way. I'm feeling rather exhausted at the moment. 

    The summer so far hasn't been the greatest, so I've managed to get much photography done, I usually try to get some of my own pictures taken each year to work from. Mostly flowers and insects, scenic pictures (if I ever get around to landscapes I've got loads). I still rely heavily on free photo websites to get pictures of wildlife animals and birds. I'm not the greatest of photographers. I've got a good instant camera, that I use for both photos and filming, I do have a digital SLR big Camera but I've ashamed to confess I've absolutely no idea how to use it. One of these days I'm going to go on a course to learn. I've had it a few years now so there's really no excuse, except I look at it and think "No, I just can't cope with working that out at the moment". I'm not a techno phob or anything, except when it comes to this camera. One day!!

    I've just done a shop update of some of my recent paintings, some you may have seen on YouTube, but not all. As I like to paint the bigger paintings off camera. Or a may do a portion of one then carry on with it off camera. For instance I recently did a Fox head tutorial for You Tube but then carried on painting the body and a rather complicated background off of camera. I've still got a fair bit to go on this one as it is very detailed. 

    Well I hope you are all keeping well and having a good summer.

    Bye for now!